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The News: Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down

In our household, we’re fond of saying…’well, it could have been worse…’ This post is recap current events in our neck of the woods.

Model of the anatomy of a hand, showing vascular, muscular, nerve, and tendons.

4/20 – Here is my view as I wait for the hand specialist at Boston Orthopedic and Spine. The upshot: the previous Thursday I cut my thumb while doing a home repair. By Monday, I couldn’t move my thumb joint.

Thumbs down: It turns out that I nicked a tiny tendon (right below the top knuckle).

Thumbs up: It’s on my left (non-dominant hand).

Thumbs down: I’m scheduled for surgery, Monday, April 24.

Thumbs up: I got quick access to the health care that I needed. From Urgent Care to the specialist who could quickly schedule the operating room at Mount Auburn Hospital (near to home).

Thumbs down: Tendons take a long time to heal. Six weeks with my hand in a weird thumbs up position. After that, PT to get the elastic (tendon) bending again.

White 2010 Toyota Corolla car on flatbed tow truck

As many friends know, on 2/27/23 a guy tried to do a U-Turn on a wide busy street and didn’t see me. This is obviously a thumbs down.

Thumbs up: nobody was hurt. The modern design of cars is smart–built so that they bend if hit. This is Jimmy, the tow guy who gave me and our car a ride home.

Thumbs down: Alot of annoying time spent with the car insurance company, dealing with the logistics of car rental and car repair. Still waiting on one reimbursement item.

Thumbs up: We had our repaired car back in 3-weeks. Driving a brand new car was fun too. So much fun that it makes sense for us to start thinking about that purchase since our car has high mileage and 13-years old.

I was ''phished,'' and they almost reeled me in; article by Alisa Wolf

Also, as many friends know, Alisa fell into the hands of skanky scammers.

Thumbs down: She spent an afternoon in their clutches. They accessed her laptop and convinced her that her PayPal account was charged and they reeled her in from there. Read her account and please do share. Education is the key to neutralizing this dark power.

Thumbs up: They didn’t succeed, but it was very very, nail-bitingly close. If not for the convenience store guy who told Alisa to hang-up, we would have lost ten thousand dollars. Yes, you read that right.

Thumbs down: Besides the hours of changing every password in sight and bringing her phone and laptop to get cleaned, we are reeling from the it almost happened thoughts. Repeating the movie over and over, witnessing yourself getting played by someone pretending to be a friend is an injury that keeps on giving.

You’ve been at the precipice of a cliff where you almost, but did not fall. That terror burns in your memory.

Old winter tree looks like a face and grows around metal sign.

Update on the Insulin and Resistance news:

Thumbs down: My A1c is back to 5.9.

Thumbs up: My cholesterol keeps getting better, since paying attention to my glucose load; the good (HDL) up and bad (LDL) down. Still a few points into the high zone but considering that I have not changed whatsoever my animal or dairy intake, it’s fascinating. In fact, I have more full-fat dairy now than ever before.

As I have mentioned, insulin resistance is a slow, sneaky process. I started my reform 6 months ago, and I won’t stop until it is stable. There is significant evidence that ongoing stress thwarts insulin and the cell’s ability to handle it.

I’ve decided to pursue getting a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) for few couple of months so that I can better and more concretely see how spikes are whacking out my system.

Bonus: Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down?

A row of Magnolia in full bloom

Thumbs up or down? We had two days of record-breaking warm temperatures in our area that forced every bloom to pop at the same time. Even friends plagued by allergies were giddy and disoriented.

Thumbs up or down? Then we returned to the cold, rainy, windy yuckiness that is the hallmark of April, but it was good for Boston Marathoners.

Had we had one more day of the massive heat all of these blooms would be down, off, done for this year. The return of cool temps meant they stick around much longer. Enough time to be happy even on a cold rainy day.



  1. Kathleen Driscoll
    April 23, 2023 / 1:38 pm

    A good read! Thumbs up! Good luck with surgery!

  2. April 23, 2023 / 2:25 pm

    Thank you very much Kathleen!

  3. Mona Arsenault
    April 23, 2023 / 9:19 pm

    Good luck with the surgery!

    Definitely a thumbs up for your “Thumbs Up-Thumbs Down”!!

    Blossoms are always a thumbs up… unless you have allergies I suppose 😊

    • April 24, 2023 / 10:52 am

      Hi Mona, so nice to hear from you. The big blooming was awesome. Hope you are well up there in Canada land!

  4. April 24, 2023 / 6:40 am

    Good luck today!

    • April 24, 2023 / 10:53 am

      Thank you so much Donna.

  5. Beverly Wolf
    April 24, 2023 / 8:52 am

    Oy! Fortunately, it was caught on time and the damage can be healed. Hope you won’t experience much pain. Let Alisa wait on you for 6 weeks! Sending love and healing thoughts your way…

    • April 24, 2023 / 10:55 am

      I’ve done as many tasks up front as possible to limit how much she has to do. Thank you for sending good thoughts Bev.

  6. Alisa Wolf
    April 24, 2023 / 9:04 am

    May your lovely thumbs go up and down for many years to come.

    • April 24, 2023 / 10:53 am

      Kiss kiss kiss my love.

  7. Ruth Faas
    April 24, 2023 / 4:54 pm

    Ow, ow, ow!
    You’ve been pretty busy lately, Wendy!

    Thank goodness we live in an area with good medical care. I just read yesterday’s post today so am belatedly learning about your surgery (and your car, actually. So glad the car sustained the damage rather than you.)

    Alissa, I so empathize with you and your experience that unbelievably unethical scammer. Not actually unbelievable, actually, but I can very much imagine myself reacting in the same way. Thank you for writing specific details as well as the overall picture.

    Love you, Ruth

    • April 25, 2023 / 3:33 pm

      Dear Ruth, we are still on for May 1 and I look forward to that!

  8. Ronnie
    April 25, 2023 / 12:10 pm

    So many thumbs, so little time. Best of luck with the surgery. Interested to hear how having your thumb perpetually up will affect your outook. Remind me to tell Alisa about almost succumbing to phishers while we had the million dollars plus from our house sale sitting in our checking account. I so totally relate

    • April 25, 2023 / 3:30 pm

      Surgery went well. LOL, I’ll let you know on my outlook. 6 weeks of this cast, not sure any amount of thumbs will move the needle. And yikes, I’ll tell Alisa to ping you! Thank you for your presence Ronnie.

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