Welcome to this episode of: let the right-brain first select the pictures then work with the chatter of the left-twin verbal brain.
The theme appears to be ‘green in winter.’
Snow has been scant so far for us. Temperature spiking up and down like a heart beat reading the headlines of the daily news.
Here is a moment of equilibrium offered via this ‘high-vis surveyor and John Deere-branded toys at the ready.’
I go to a shiny new gym.
My favorite part is when the session is over; sitting on the couch and having a moment to gather myself. Six months in, I still appreciate the sparkly-ness.
I’m in a full-swing reset. Doing what I can to face-up and fly right.
As one would hope, I do feel better. Brain and body put on a rinse cycle–refreshed.
I’m experimenting with Matcha tea as a sometimes-replacement for black coffee.
Don’t think me crazy, I still love coffee. But I’ve noticed, at the tender age of 60-something, that it is rather jarring to have every single day.
This high-test pulverized green tea is a completely different animal with its own demands.
Thumbs up from me. We can more talk about it sometime if you want.
Though Maine woods are in my blood, I feel late in seeing moss. (Kids nowadays play with it when building spaces for wood fairies.)
They lurk everywhere, and there are a million different kinds (ok.. wikipedia says 12,000 species.) They eat sunlight. They don’t bother with elaborate roots and getting nutrients from the ground.
Dabs of green in dappled shade, tucking-in or in plain sight, it, they, those mosses seem more ancient than almost anything else.
Firmly earth, they can handle being stomped or snowed on, yet live on air with barely a heart beat.
Like us, both body and spirit –unable to live any other way.