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The Pine Tree State

Where I’m At — Part One

I’ve done that thing that all bloggy bloggers do and taken an embarrassingly long break from creating in this space. Because I was brought up Catholic, I’m drawn to say: Forgive me Father, for it has been 9-ish months since my last …post. Obviously, this is not a sin. That is just laughable. Let’s go with this: I am happy to be here re-committing in front of all of you. I am picturing my way through here on this Current Seeing website experiment. I am happy to have you along. Thank you for your eyeballs and brain and interest.

A range of life layers has taken priority over the electric, one-dimensional computer. Therefore, no regrets or asking for forgiveness for my absence. I only ask, where do I begin since I’ve been away for more than a half of a year? As I pondered, a book title by beloved Pema Chodron sauntered into my head: Start Where You Are

I can do that so I’ll cut to the chase. This will be a multi-part series. Expect drama. Expect profound pauses.


I am in the Pine Tree state–on a hillside in Western Maine. I am close enough to see the undersides of pine trees. Look how a pine cone develops! It’s born out of this piney, not-sticky, slightly green resin.

a developing young pine cone and a mature, old one

All of the press has gone to the old-wizened, woody pine cone.

Looking up at pine cones and green long pine needles against a blue sky and clouds
Pine in the Sky, East Wilton, Maine

On this hillside is a giant meadow and a soft mountain view that…




Fog and mist, fading view of meadow

As you might expect, I am close to weather and am regularly inside clouds for some period of time.

Approaching sunset, dramatic clouds dominate the sky

I am outside of clouds at other times.

Sunrise, soft pink distant sky, a glimpse of mountain range and morning fog,pine trees in foreground

Am I dreaming or am I awake?

Right now, I can’t tell.

I am glammed by gift after gift and am silenced. Boundaries evaporate.

Meanwhile, all senses keep saying thank you, thank you, and thank you again. I am breathing with the whole shebang, the whole expanse, a breeze wisps my cheek, and taking a deeper breath, I let it go with the non-stopping air stream.


  1. Linda P Jellison
    September 21, 2024 / 9:54 am

    To live here is a blessing! I’m hoping you can stay through a few more seasons!

    • September 24, 2024 / 8:42 am

      I couldn’t agree more. On top of that we have the very best neighbors.

  2. Diane D
    September 22, 2024 / 8:11 pm

    Loved reading your blog. pictures are spectacular. Thank you for sharing.

    • September 24, 2024 / 8:41 am

      Thank you Diane.

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